Not So Sweet Charity
Like everyone else who aspires to call themselves human beings, I have been horrified by recent events in the Middle East. And I cannot say on this forum, where anyone who says the Middle East disputes are NOT about religion are talking from, but it is definitely not out of their mouths. The troubles in the Middle East are 120% about one religion trying to destroy another, nothing more and nothing less. You only need to listen to recordings the terrorists – for terrorists is what they are - shouted as they made their invasion to know that. That such vile acts can still be committed in religions name in the 21 st Century, clearly tells me that we must now privatise religion. It is time to bring to an end ‘the advancement of religion’ as a cause for which one can claim charitable status. We also need to stop giving religions privileges like, lower VAT rates on building works, council tax exemptions, business rate waivers, and above all, automatic seats in Parliament. Brita...