Religion: The MOST pointless of all POINTLESS activities!

Of all the activities a human being can partake in, nothing is more pointless than the pursuit of a religion. 

Think about this. 

Religion 1 tells you that it is ESSENTIAL for your (so-called) 'salvation' that you adopt set of Beliefs 'A, and that you must engage in set of Practices 'B', and take part in a regular basis in set of Ceremonies 'C'.  

Religion 2 says 'Hang on! You've got that all wrong. It's Beliefs, Practices and Ceremonies 'D', 'E' and 'F' you need matey. And if you don't follow those three things, well! I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when you get to the pearly gates, that's all I'm saying'. 

But then, along comes Religion's 3, 4, 5 and so on. Each one of them tells you THEY'VE got it right and all the others have it got it TOTALLY wrong.'Nah, mate' they'll say. 'Seriously, you don't wanna be believing that old tut'!

Oh, my days! 

So, what then? How am I to get up there with the Big G after I've shuffled off this mortal coil, eh? 


How do you find out which is the 'real' religion and which is the false one? 

Very simply. 

Observe the phenomenon of NON-OBSERVANCE!

Stand in front of a bunch of believers in ANY religion and watch what happens to the people around them who are NOT members of that religion and DO NOT take part in its beliefs, ceremonies and practices. 

What happens to them?

Bugger all!

Do their knees collapse because they did not pray a certain number of times a day? Did they get struck by lightning because they ate tripe boiled in milk, despite the members of the religion telling them it was forbidden because tripe is the food of the devil? (actually, they have a point there, tripe IS utterly foul!). Do ugly pimples grow on the end of their noses because they do not walk about in public wearing skull caps with propellors on that whirr when the wind blows on them? And has anyone ever dropped dead of a heart attack for refusing to take part in the weekly Ritual of the Boiled Sweet?

Ermmmmm. Let me see now.

That’s a NO then!

That’s because it will ALWAYS be a no! No harm will ever become anyone for NOT taking part in a religion.

Now believers of course, will hit back with famous old wives tale about how ‘It might not matter in this life sunshine. But just you wait and see what happens when you get to the NEXT one! When you are standing at them there, pearly gates matey and they check that book. That’s when you will suffer’, they will say.

That’s the religious equivalent of your mum telling you to wear clean pants when you go out in case you get run over!

But how true is that? Has ANYONE, EVER come back from the dead to say, ‘It’s a bit hot here sunshine, I’d behave myself if I was you!’ No. they have not. In fact, quite the opposite.

In my religious past, I have been a Spiritualist Medium. I’ve talked to a fair few ‘dead’ people in my time. Well, no I haven’t actually, but I will explain why another time. But anyway, when I did get messages from ‘the other side’, the ‘spirits’ talking to me were full of themselves.

‘A land of milk and honey’, ‘reunited with all my friends’ is what they all say. And even their Bat-Shit Crazy Aunty Nellie has calmed down a bit as a result of moving to a cloud from 9 Acacia Avenue, Purley. Nope, life that side of the veil is rather good for all concerned, despite what they might have done while they were on this side of it. I’ve yet to hear about Adolf Hitler mind, but I suspect they are keeping quiet about him.

So, what this tells us is this. All those fervently religious people who demand you follow this or that religion – or else – are talking out of there arse! Just enjoy THIS life and do as much good as you can while you have it! 


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