A Challenge to Believers

If you are SO convinced that God exists, and that God is all powerful, and that God performs miracles, and that God answers your prayers, try this challenge.

Take a feather and seal it into an airtight glass jar. Now, compose a prayer, asking God to prove to you they exist, by lifting that feather ONE CENTIMETRE off the bottom of the jar and holding it there for ten seconds while you film it on your phone. What do you think will happen? Let me tell you. 

That feather will not move.

You can pray however you want. You can pray hard, or you can pray soft. You can pray aloud, or you can pray silently. But no matter how you pray.

That feather will not move.

You can pray for a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, or even for a year, and.

That feather will not move.

If you don’t think you are praying correctly, ask the worship leader of your religion (Priest, Rabbi, Imam etc) to pray with you and guess what?

That feather will not move.

You can also ask the entire congregation of your place of worship to pray with you as well. But even if they do.

That feather will not move.

And when that feather will not move, listen while the leaders of your religion flap their lips while giving you thousands of pathetic and pointless EXCUSES about why that feather will not move. They will tell you ‘God does not do magic tricks’, or they will say ‘your faith is stronger than that’. They will also say ‘you cannot test ‘God’. You name the excuse, and your religious leaders will come up with it.  But whatever they say or do, remember this.  

That feather will not move.

You can find 100,000 places, and you can put 100,000 of the most religious people you can find into each of those places, and let them pray for 100,000 years and you know what will happen.

That feather will not move.

Not even 100,000th of a centimetre. You can even ask every God believer of every religion on Earth to pray for the next 100,000 years for that feather to move, and you absolutely know.   

That feather will not move.

And even if you continue to pray, for wars to end (the way YOU want them to end), for famine relief, for your mum’s cancer to be cured, for your team to win the league, or for you to get sex on a Saturday night, remember, no matter how hard you pray,

That feather will not move.

And no matter how much YOU continue to ‘flap your lips’ to try and convince yourself and others that God still exists, understand this.

That feather will not move.

And that feather will not move, for these two very simple reasons. Praying does not work, because God does not exist.

You absolutely and completely KNOW that feather will not move, so why deny it? The only person you are kidding with your god-belief is yourself. So perhaps it’s time to stop insulting your own intelligence and start realising the simple and undeniable fact that God does not exist. Welcome to the real world 😊  


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